In conservative circles,
the ordination of women into ministry is still a hot topic.
Some of the world’s major religions still exclude women
from serving in this capacity.
If Jesus were here today
how do you suppose he would view the issue?
It seems that there were a lot of women involved in his ministry
here on earth.
Ironic isn’t it?
One of the things that Christ accomplished in his life
was to build a bridge back to God that had been lost
because of man’s fall.
This fall resulted in an imbalance between men and women.
Part of what Christ was doing in his earthly ministry
was to re-establish equality between men and women.
He did this by example.
Women played a major role in his ministry.
It is the subsequent record of scripture that fails to speak
more about the role of women.
The person entrusted with the resurrection story was a woman.
We discover through the Gnostic Gospels
that were written during a similar time period
to the canonical gospels
but were subsequently lost,
that the male disciples still had a difficult time overcoming
their cultural biases towards women
and that they found it difficult to believe that Jesus
had entrusted important truths to a woman.
So, here we are 2000 years later, arguing over the same things.
When are we going to truly listen to the Master’s words
and begin to follow the essence of his teachings?
At the heart of Christ’s teachings
is the theme that each person is a precious child of God.
One is not more important than another.
No gender is superior, no race is better than another,
and every soul is gifted to serve in a unique way.
The heart of Christ’s message is love.
Let’s put the heart back into the body of believers.
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