Thursday, February 21, 2008

Begin At Jesus' Feet

Isn’t it interesting that religion is so much like it used to be? 
I think about the time of Jesus
 and the way the church was then.
 It is very similar today. In fact, it is almost exactly the same. 
People dress differently now.
 They drive cars instead of ride donkeys. They mostly ride rather than walk. 
And folks in general have a lot more stuff. 
But the attitudes are remarkably familiar.

This is especially true within conservative circles 
that pride themselves in their knowledge and beliefs. 
The religious teachers at the time of Christ
 felt that they knew exactly what the Messiah would look like when he came. 
He stood right in front of their faces,
 and they accused him of being the Devil. 
Today, religious leaders talk a lot about Christ,
 but if he were to come to their church, they would eventually throw him out 
thinking that he was a spiritualist 
in league with Satan.

Jesus performed miracles 2000 years ago, 
but there were many who were never healed
 because they didn’t trust where his power came from. 
Today, almost no one is healed or is able to heal others 
because they do not trust that the Spirit can still do mighty things today.

Isn’t it interesting that we have learned so little? 
Perhaps sitting at the feet of Jesus
 with the humble mind of a beginner is a good place to start. 
Nothing else is really very important.

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