It is harvest time in our world.
What that means to you will vary depending on your belief system.
To me it means that it is time for the words and works
of Jesus to come to fruition,
it is time for the Kingdom of God to manifest in our lives.
Jesus spoke of a middle way of being in the world.
His words and works spoke of balance and equality.
He spoke against the domination society
that he lived in and tried to awaken within people
a desire to learn a new way of being and doing.
The domination culture that he lived in
was one that had been taken over by the Romans.
It was an oppressive culture
and there were a few who had much
and many who had little.
The kingdom that Jesus spoke of
was one where everyone had enough.
Jesus was not so much interested in material equality
as he was in spiritual equality.
He taught that if you sought spiritual enlightenment
that everything else would follow in its path.
He taught that all people,
male or female,
slave or free,
had access to the teachings of the Spirit.
The domination culture of today
is one of materialism and of doing.
We are too busy to take time to stop
and learn of spiritual things.
We are victims to our over-commitments
and rushing about.
For the kingdom of God to manifest in our lives today,
we have to learn to be still
and learn about our spiritual nature
and of God’s plan for our lives and our planet.
Mary sat and learned at the feet of Jesus.
He called this the better part.
Let’s take a page from the lesson book of Mary and Jesus
and make time for the Kingdom of God in our own lives.
It will bring about a bountiful harvest.
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