Monday, February 16, 2009

Where Wisdom Dwells

Can you allow the voice of wisdom to speak through you?
Can you open your heart to hear her song?

Do you look to others to know the truth?
Do you not see the answers in the mirror of your soul?

Wisdom longs to speak through you.
She desires to dwell in you.

Others must find wisdom for themselves.
Let her truth find root in your being.


Janice Lynne Lundy said...

How wonderful to see your Magdalene musings again. I love this poem, Julie, it asks some of the most important questions of us that we could possibly answer...and invites us to open ourselves further. I am glad you are "back," and look forward to reading more. :-) Blessings...

Julie Smith said...


Thanks so much for your comments here. I need to change my account so that it notifies me of comments.

Thanks for your many lovely thoughts.

