Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Appeal Of Mary's Life

The life of Mary Magdalene has generated much interest. 
One of the reasons 
I believe that it holds such broad appeal 
is that she was the recipient of unconditional love. 
The scriptures record 
that she was cleansed of “seven demons”. 
Her story is one of total, unconditional healing.

There are many myths and stories 
about whether she was an immoral woman 
or whether in fact she was the perfect apostle. 
I believe that we can safely 
hold both ambiguous ideas in mind at the same time. 
In fact, her legacy almost requires that we do. 
Don’t we all hold within ourselves 
the sense of great inadequacy 
and at the same time such great potential? 
Her life seems to encapsulate both of these conditions.

She therefore represents our own longings and desires 
for unconditional love, 
and wholeness. 
We see her as the be-loved of the Beloved. 
She represents the Bride. 
The Christos Sophia. 
Metaphorically, we are all the Bride of the Beloved.

As a representative of the Divine Feminine, 
she also represents the wounded feminine within creation.
 As she is once again noticed 
and appreciated within ourselves, 
it helps to restore and heal the feminine within All.

As we grow in our own healing, 
the desire to give of what we have received 
also grows within us.
 We become channels 
of the same love that has made us whole. 
If you feel the pull of the Magdalene energy, 
which I believe we all do at some point, 
you are feeling the pull of unconditional love 
and desire to be filled with it 
and to share it with others.

There are many other qualities that she embodies. 
The conversation will grow 
as you contribute your own sense of what this means.

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